
Problem Category Points AC % ▾ Users
Count by X ICS3U 3 69.1% 52
LCC '21 Contest 2 J1 - Tracy's Bread LCC 3p 68.9% 38
LCC '22 Contest 5 J1 - The Queen LCC 3 68.8% 11
LCC '23 Contest 2 J2 - Knives LCC 3p 68.2% 10
JDCC '15 Contest 4 P5 - Pocket Change JDCC 10 67.9% 4
JDCC '15 Contest 1 P3 - Test Candy JDCC 5 66.7% 19
Girls Invitational '18 S2 - Amazing Maze Girls Invitational 10 66.7% 8
A Simple Mode Uncategorized 7p 66.7% 2
Spanning Tree Range Competitive 10 66.7% 7
Rated Contest 1 P3 - Trap-ezoid Uncategorized 7 66.7% 25
LCC '18 Contest 5 S1 - QWERTY LCC 5p 66.2% 32
ECOO '21 Practice P2 - High Fiver! ECOO 3p 66.2% 24
Mock CCC '20 Contest 1 S1 - Arithmetic Hybercube Uncategorized 3p 66.1% 31
JDCC '16 Contest 1 P3 - Painting Cost JDCC 5 65.5% 19
Rated Contest 1 P1 - Rhombus or Wrong Bus? Uncategorized 3 65.4% 30
Bob & His Crops Competitive 3p 64.8% 33
JDCC '15 Contest 3 P1 - Countdown JDCC 3 64.6% 73
LCC '22 Contest 3 J1 - Water You Doing? LCC 3 63.9% 22
LCC/Moose '19 Contest 4 S2 - Tape Editor LCC 5p 63.8% 43
A Palindrome Problem Uncategorized 3 63.7% 82
LCC '22 Contest 6 S1 - Same Patrick's Day LCC 5 63.6% 5
Baby Oreo Uncategorized 5 63.6% 12
A Queue Problem Uncategorized 5 63.6% 9
Larry's Shoes Competitive 10p 63.3% 15
Girls Invitational '18 J2 - Munara’s Magnificent Math Machine Girls Invitational 3 63.2% 36
LCC/Moose '19 Contest 2 J2 - Characteristic Characters LCC 3p 63.2% 48
LCC '24 Contest 1 J3 - Trick-or-Treat Planning LCC 3p 63.2% 11
A Subtracting Problem Uncategorized 3 63.1% 88
MLE '19 Contest 4 P4 - Wesley Uncategorized 5 62.8% 38
Mock CCC '20 Contest 1 J2 - Tie Uncategorized 3p 62.7% 54
LCC '18 Contest 1 S1 - Class Picture LCC 5p 62.7% 76
Mock CCC '19 Contest 1 J1 - Dividers Uncategorized 3p 62.4% 91
LCC '22 Contest 4 J4 - Snake Game LCC 5p 61.5% 6
Art Academy II: The Grand Escape Uncategorized 7p 60.9% 11
Tree Visibility Uncategorized 5 60.7% 9
Dynamic Programming Competitive 3 60.6% 112
List Minimum Uncategorized 4 60.4% 102
LCC '18 Contest 4 J2 - Dereck and Essays LCC 3p 60.3% 61
Santa and Letters Competitive 5 60.3% 41
JDCC '17 Contest 3 J2 - Interview Seating JDCC 5 60.1% 45
LCC/Moose '19 Contest 2 S1 - ?️eans LCC 3p 60.0% 86
LCC '21 Contest 5 S1 - An Olden Art Problem LCC 5 60.0% 9
LCC '21 Contest 4 J3 - Ben's Gaming Addiction LCC 5 60.0% 12
Market Analysis Uncategorized 7 60.0% 7
I Hate Ready to Program P10 - Graphics Galore: The Sequel Competitive 7 60.0% 2
LCC '21 Contest 2 J3 - Grid Sum LCC 3 59.8% 33
JDCC '16 Contest 3 P2 - The Number Eight JDCC 3 59.6% 58
Temperature Classifier Competitive 3 59.4% 85
Emag Eman Co-Ed 3 59.1% 80
ECOO '21 P1 - Many Messages ECOO 3p 59.1% 13