As should be obvious from his time at Mackenzie, Jimmy is a professional Spelling Bee-er. Of course, after his brief stint as MCPT Competitive Vice President, he forgot much of the convoluted vocabulary he once knew. However, undeterred by such a hindrance in his quest to restore himself to his former glory in the 2023 National Spelling Bee, he has turned to the next best option: cheating.
The day is now here, and Jimmy is standing at the podium, ready to hear the word he must spell. He already compiled a list of words that are likely to be asked in the spelling bee and entered their spellings into a phone that he most definitely did not sneak into the competition. He is asked to spell a word, and of course he doesn't know the exact spelling, but from his past experience as a professional spelling bee-er, he knows the length of the word and where some of the letters go. Given a list of possible words, can you figure out which words could be the word he heard?
Note: It is recommended for Python users to use Pypy
The length of each word is at most 100.
Input Specification
The first line contains , the number of words.
The second line contains , a string consisting of lowercase latin characters or the character
. A character that is _
means that the letter in that position could be anything, while a lowercase letter means that Jimmy is certain that the letter there is the correct letter.
The next lines contain a string
, a word that could be asked at the spelling bee.
Output Specification
The first line contains , the number of potential words.
The next lines each contain a string
, a word that is consistent with the information Jimmy deduced. Output the strings in the order of the input (if there are duplicates, do print them multiple times).
Sample Input
Sample Output
Sample Explanation
Firstly, the word must have 5 letters. This eliminates apples
and app
. Next, the third letter must be p
and the fourt l
. The only valid answers are thus apple
and haply