It's time for the CCC once again!
Yaniel De is currently practicing on WLMOJ, trying to cram in as many problems as he can before the contest begins. He will feel prepared if he succesfully solves problems worth a total points before the contest begins.
If Yaniel solves problems per day in
days, what must the problems be worth on average, in order for Yaniel to feel prepared?.
Input Specification
The first and only line will contain space-separated integers , and
Output Specification
Output the lowest average value of each question that Yaniel needs to solve. (Assuming they can be any integer )
Sample Input
8 3 100
Sample Output
Sample Output Explanation
If Yaniel solves problems worth points, he will earn
points per day, and
points over the
days, allowing him to feel prepared (since
If Yaniel only solves problems worth points, he will only earn
points, making him feel underprepared.