
Problem Category Points AC % Users ▾
Maintaining a Sequence Uncategorized 20p 19.1% 14
Inaho IV Uncategorized 7p 45.8% 14
LCC '18 Contest 5 J2 - All About Alliteration LCC 5p 12.6% 14
Feynman Pairs Competitive 5 28.3% 14
MLE '19 Contest 2 P1 - FUN Uncategorized 7p 30.8% 14
Icebergs Uncategorized 12 32.7% 14
Megacities Competitive 10p 48.3% 14
Santa and Cookies Competitive 7p 19.0% 14
LCC '21 Contest 4 J2 - Knights LCC 5 40.0% 14
LCC '21 Contest 6 J2 - Batrick's Ballad LCC 3 55.6% 14
Derek and Stocks Competitive 5p 30.5% 14
LCC '22 Contest 2 S3 - Round Nuts LCC 7p 27.8% 14
A Times B II Competitive 5p 16.2% 14
Toad Competitive 7p 44.7% 14
LCC '23 Contest 1 J2 - Costume Scores LCC 5p 17.0% 14
LCC '23 Contest 1 J3 - Candy Counting LCC 5 34.1% 14
Rated Contest 2 P3 - Ski Rentals Uncategorized 7p 31.4% 14
JDCC '16 Contest 1 P2 - Reddit at Work JDCC 5 19.2% 13
JDCC '17 Contest 2 S2 - Cookie Platters JDCC 5p 27.1% 13
A King Problem Uncategorized 12 39.5% 13
JDCC '15 Contest 3 P3 - CCC JDCC 7 41.0% 13
Missile Troubles Co-Ed 5 40.4% 13
A Path Problem Uncategorized 7 27.0% 13
A Path Problem 2 Uncategorized 12 19.6% 13
A Two-Pointers Problem 2 Classics 12 11.2% 13
Mock CCC '19 Contest 1 S3 - Sum Maximization Uncategorized 10p 22.0% 13
Array Distances Competitive 7p 12.7% 13
larREEEEEE Competitive 7p 40.5% 13
ECOO '21 P1 - Many Messages ECOO 3p 59.1% 13
LCC '22 Contest 2 S4 - Walnut Warfare LCC 12p 20.0% 13
Rated Contest 1 P5 - Starred Uncategorized 10p 32.3% 13
LCC '23 Contest 3 S1 - Deep (Snow) Learning LCC 5p 18.8% 13
LCC '23 Contest 3 J1 - Christmas Dinner LCC 3 86.7% 13
LCC '24 Contest 2 S2 - Min-Maxing LCC 5p 32.6% 13
LCC '24 Contest 2 S1 - Betting Odds LCC 3p 28.9% 13
Polynomial Time Boolean Satisfiability Classics 15p 21.0% 12
XOR Minimum Uncategorized 17p 41.7% 12
ECOO '21 Practice P3 - Turin's Thrifty Threads ECOO 5p 31.1% 12
Distances Competitive 5 25.3% 12
LCC/Moose '20 Contest 2 S3 - Alan's Got Cake 😳 LCC 12p 13.7% 12
Santa and Reindeer Competitive 7p 20.2% 12
LCC '21 Contest 3 S3 - Roundabout LCC 10p 13.6% 12
LCC '21 Contest 4 J4 - Stacy the Space Rover LCC 5p 9.1% 12
LCC '21 Contest 4 J3 - Ben's Gaming Addiction LCC 5 60.0% 12
Candy Crush Uncategorized 7 18.3% 12
Tree Sustainability Competitive 7 19.3% 12
Baby Oreo Uncategorized 5 63.6% 12
LCC '23 Contest 1 J5 - Chess Cosplay LCC 7 37.0% 12
Counting Wishes Uncategorized 5 50.0% 12
LCC '23 Contest 2 S1 - Aaron's Egg LCC 5 19.4% 12