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Points: 10 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem type

Your boss has left you in charge of N cities with M forests separating them. Each forest has a cost required to clear, and clearing a forest will merge the two cities it had once separated. He wants you to merge these N cities into x megacities, where the number of megacities satisfies x^2 - (N+1)*x + N = 0. What is the minimum cost required to complete the job? If there are two minimum solutions, find the larger one.

Input Specifications

The first line will contain two integers, N and M (1 \leq N, M \leq 10^5), separated by a space.

The next M lines will contain three integers, A, B, C (1 \leq A, B \leq N, 1 \leq C \leq 10^7), the two cities separated by a forest and the cost to clear the forest, separated by spaces. A and B are guaranteed to be different from each other.

Output Specifications

Output the minimum cost required to complete the job, satisfying the conditions.


Subtask 1 [20%]

N \leq 10^3

M \leq 10^3

Subtask 2 [80%]

No additional constraints.

Sample Input 1

5 7
3 4 23
1 3 18
3 4 2
3 2 14
1 3 3
5 3 6
4 3 3

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

4 8
2 1 18
4 2 8
2 4 26
4 1 13
1 4 12
4 1 7
2 4 7
4 2 1

Sample Output 2



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