2023-24 Executives
The Mackenzie Computer Programming Team, affectionately known as MCPT, is a group of dedicated individuals focused on furthering their computer science knowledge and competing in programming competitions. The team consists of 5 branches — Communications, Competitive, Judge, Mentorship, and Learning. MCPT members are interested in learning beyond their course material, building their critical thinking skills, and being persistent towards improvement. These students compete in various special events, as well as ranked on-site programming contests each year.
Be sure to visit the [Google Classroom](https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk3NTkyNTk0MjYw?cjc=2ubkkqi) for any help or more info!
## Presidents ### Shane Chen ([user:marsflat]) Hi! I’m Shane. Some of my hobbies are swimming, playing the trumpet, programming (who would’ve thought!) and math. I keep forgetting negative signs, but that means I’m all for positivity, right?! ### Daniel Ye ([user:Trent]) Living off of sugar and spring-powered staplers ## Vice Presidents ### Competitive VPs #### Max Sun bing chilling #### Joshua Wang ### Learning VPs #### James Huynh “Keep on keeping on!” I'm your go-to Linux cybersecurity expert, binary wizard, hardware enthusiast, and game developer extraordinaire. When I'm not rocking out to modern rock or coding in Perl, you can find me customizing keyboards or sending cat memes to people. #### Luka Jovanovic ### Communications VPs #### Annie Wong Hey guys! Although I spend an unhealthy amount of screen time on graphic design and digital art, I do actually touch grass (wow)! I smack birdies around with a badminton racket all year round and tumble down big hills on a snowboard in the wintertime. My house is also kind of a zoo because I have 3 cats and a dog. Please help me stop chelsea from yoinking them. #### Chelsea Wong hey! idk i kinda like kpop haha - my obsessions aside, i think programming, art (2d, 3d, lettering, animations), cybersec, skating, webtoons, and making food is cool. i also try to keep my duolingo streak alive. also do hackathons guys! very fun!!!! don’t tell annie but, i want to kidnap her cats. ### Mentorship VP #### Sulagna Nandi ### Judge VP #### Ken Shibata Hello (✿◠‿◠) I enjoy almost anything related to EECS (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 💞 (also cursed by tofu) ##Executives
### Competitive
Aaron Zhu, Ethan Zhu, Angelina Jiang, Eric Ning
### Learning
Sion Gang, Daisy Li, Pouya Karimi, Daniel Morgan
### Communications
Alicia Chung, Alyn Huang, Alex Peng
### Mentorship
Fatma Jadoon, Parsa Hemmati, Nirvan Rabbani
### Judge
Tom Philip, Jason Cameron
## Presidents ### Shane Chen ([user:marsflat]) Hi! I’m Shane. Some of my hobbies are swimming, playing the trumpet, programming (who would’ve thought!) and math. I keep forgetting negative signs, but that means I’m all for positivity, right?! ### Daniel Ye ([user:Trent]) Living off of sugar and spring-powered staplers ## Vice Presidents ### Competitive VPs #### Max Sun bing chilling #### Joshua Wang ### Learning VPs #### James Huynh “Keep on keeping on!” I'm your go-to Linux cybersecurity expert, binary wizard, hardware enthusiast, and game developer extraordinaire. When I'm not rocking out to modern rock or coding in Perl, you can find me customizing keyboards or sending cat memes to people. #### Luka Jovanovic ### Communications VPs #### Annie Wong Hey guys! Although I spend an unhealthy amount of screen time on graphic design and digital art, I do actually touch grass (wow)! I smack birdies around with a badminton racket all year round and tumble down big hills on a snowboard in the wintertime. My house is also kind of a zoo because I have 3 cats and a dog. Please help me stop chelsea from yoinking them. #### Chelsea Wong hey! idk i kinda like kpop haha - my obsessions aside, i think programming, art (2d, 3d, lettering, animations), cybersec, skating, webtoons, and making food is cool. i also try to keep my duolingo streak alive. also do hackathons guys! very fun!!!! don’t tell annie but, i want to kidnap her cats. ### Mentorship VP #### Sulagna Nandi ### Judge VP #### Ken Shibata Hello (✿◠‿◠) I enjoy almost anything related to EECS (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ 💞 (also cursed by tofu) ##