2022-23 Classroom Contest 11 - Dynamic Programming 1

Welcome to the 2022-23 Classroom Contest!

The lesson slides for this week can be found here.

Classroom Contests will be run alongside weekly lessons from every pair of lessons running on Tuesday's lunch period to the end of the Monday 2 weeks after. They consists of at (generally) 5 problems designed to be approachable for beginners and semi-challenging even for seasoned competitive programmers! After the lesson, feel free to ask questions, clarifications, or hints to any of the problems - this is an informal contest, after all. The problems should also all be public right after the contest, so you can also try them afterwards.

Problem difficulties for this contest will be spread out as such:

Problem Description
P1 A simpler DP problem
P2 A simpler DP problem
P3 A classical DP problem
P4 A slightly harder DP problem using observations not necessarily taught yet
P5 A slightly harder DP Problem using a concept not necessarily taught yet

The contest for this week will run alongside this week's lesson. Hope to see you there!

Note: The contest now has two more problems to keep people who AK'ed occupied


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