Editorial for 1-Pile Nim
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
If a player is left with a single rock in the pile, they lose immediately since they have no choice but to take that last rock. Therefore, having rock is a "losing position".
This means that if a player is able to place the other player in this losing position, they can force the other player to take this losing position, and they themselves win. Therefore, are all "winning positions".
A player who is unable to place the other player in a losing position will be in a losing position since any move they make will put the other player in a winning position.
Thus, the concept of game theory is that once all a player's options are explored, if any of them puts the other player in a "losing position", then the current state is a "winning position" for them. If no move exists that forces the other player into a losing position, that state is a "losing position" for them.
Here is a solution to the problem using recursion and memoization (saving previous calculated states) to determine the state of .
Time complexity: .
N, K = map(int, input().split())
state = [None] * (N + 1) # True for a winning state, False for a losing state
state[0] = True; state[1] = False # Base cases: 0 stones is a winning state, and 1 stone is a losing state
def get_state(m): # Computes the winning/losing state of being given m stones
if not state[m] is None: # If this state has already been calculated, simply return it
return state[m]
for take in range(1, K + 1):
# Check to see that we can force a losing state onto the other player
if m - take >= 0 and get_state(m - take) == False:
state[m] = True
return True # If so, this is a winning state
state[m] = False
return False
print(":hudab:" if get_state(N) else "baf")
For subtask 1, notice the pattern that emerges from the calculated states: stone is losing, then the next
are winning, the next is losing, the next
are winning, and so on.
Time complexity: .
For Subtask 2, use mod to quickly find the answer from the pattern: if is a multiple of
, it is a losing state. All other states are winning states.
Time complexity: .
N, K = map(int, input().split())
print("baf" if (N - 1) % (K + 1) == 0 else ":hudab:")