Toronto Navigator

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Points: 10 (partial)
Time limit: 1.5s
Python 2.5s
Memory limit: 128M

Problem type

As a Toronto resident for most, if not all of your life, you know that this city is notorious for its bad traffic and constant construction. Toronto has N intersections and M roads connecting those intersections. You live at intersection B, and for the next Q days, you will either drive to a building located at a different intersection, or Toronto closes a road. However, the construction is seemingly going to take longer than Q days, so these roads will stay closed for the entire input. Is it possible to drive to every destination you want to arrive at?


1 \leq N,M,Q \leq 10^5

1 \leq B,a_i,b_i \leq N

Subtask 1 [30%]

1 \leq N,M,Q \leq 200

Subtask 2 [70%]

No further constraints.

All S_i are unique and consist of only lowercase and capital ASCII characters, numbers, _, and no spaces. The length of all S_i are at most 20 characters long.

Input Specifications

The first line will contain three space-separated integers, N, M, and B.

The next M lines will contain the integers a_i, b_i, followed by the string S_i. a_i and b_i indicate there is a road connection between these two intersections, and S_i indicates the name of the road.

The next line will contain the integer Q.

The next Q lines will queries of the type:

  • c R, indicating road R has been closed for construction, or
  • t I, indicating you want to travel from your current intersection to intersection I (1 \leq I \leq N). I is always distinct from the current intersection.

Output Specifications

For every query of the type t I, output yes if it is possible to travel from to intersection I or 401 time... otherwise. After every query of this type, you will end up at intersection I for the next query regardless if it is possible to reach intersection I.

Sample Input 1

6 6 2
1 2 A
2 3 B
2 4 C
3 4 D
4 5 E
5 6 F
t 6
c D
t 3
c A
t 1

Sample Output 1

401 time...

Sample Case 1 Explanation

You can travel to intersection 6 via C -> E -> F.

After road D closes, you can still travel to intersection 3 via F -> E -> C -> B.

After road A closes, intersection 1 becomes disconnected from the rest of the city, and is inaccessible.

Here is the graph of the sample test case above:

Sample Input 2

18 27 1
1 2 Steeles_Ave_1
2 3 Steeles_Ave_2
3 4 Steeles_Ave_3
4 5 Steeles_Ave_4
5 6 Steeles_Ave_5
7 8 Finch_Ave_1
8 9 Finch_Ave_2
9 10 Finch_Ave_3
10 11 Finch_Ave_4
11 12 Finch_Ave_5
13 14 Sheppard_Ave_1
14 15 Sheppard_Ave_2
15 16 Sheppard_Ave_3
16 17 Sheppard_Ave_4
17 18 Sheppard_Ave_5
1 7 Warden_Ave_1
7 13 Warden_Ave_2
2 8 Birchmount_Rd_1
8 14 Birchmount_Rd_2
3 9 Kennedy_Rd_1
9 15 Kennedy_Rd_2
4 10 Midland_Ave_1
10 16 Midland_Ave_2
5 11 Brimley_Rd_1
11 17 Brimley_Rd_2
6 12 McCowan_Rd_1
12 18 McCowan_Rd_2
c Steeles_Ave_1
t 8
c Finch_Ave_2
c Birchmount_Rd_2
c Birchmount_Rd_1
t 15
c Kennedy_Rd_2
c Sheppard_Ave_3
t 5

Sample Output 2

401 time...

Sample Case 2 Explanation

You can travel to intersection 8 by driving South down Warden and then making a left onto Finch.

After a section of Finch and Birchmount closes, you can travel to intersection 15 by driving West down Finch then making a left onto Warden, then making a left onto Sheppard.

After a section of Kennedy and Sheppard closes however, you are now stuck in a part of Scarborough disconnected from the rest! Guess you have to take the 401... (it's going to take you 2 hours trust me on this one)

Here's the map in question:


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