Mock CCC '19 Contest 1 J2 - CCO

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Points: 3 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type

You have made it to CCO! After two days of competitions, the scores are finalized. You are given the scores of the N contestants. You want to know the index (one-indexed) of the contestant who has the highest score. If there are multiple indices, print the smallest one.

Input Specification

The first line will contain the integer N (2 \le N \le 30), the number of contestants.

The second line will contain N integers, the scores of each contestant s_i (0 \le s_i \le 225).

Output Specification

Output the index (one-indexed) of the contestant with the highest score. If there are multiple indices, print the smallest one.


For 2/15 of the points, N = 2.

For an additional 8/15 points, N \le 10.

Sample Input 1

1 3

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

225 225

Sample Output 2



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