LCC '24 Contest 3 J3 - Fish++

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Points: 5
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem type

Contrary to popular belief, the fish in the ocean are also expert programmers. They use a language called Fish++, which is unfortunately limited in functionality. The current version of Fish++ only supports 3 variables, and all Fish++ programs will always have exactly 3 at all times. For simplicity, they are called a, b, and c. These variables initially are integers, initially all at 0. Since the fish are simple-minded, the only mathematical operations they can perform is addition of these integers. The latest version of Fish++ introduced strings, however they too are quite limited. Each variable can either be an integer or a string. All integers will always be positive, and all variable assignments will always match their current type. All strings will be lowercase letters, have no spaces, not have quotations, and not be a, b, or c to avoid ambiguity.

Each line of a Fish++ program will have a single operation, and always end with a single semicolon separated by a space. Each line will be in one of the following formats:

  • x = y + z the variable x will be reassigned to the sum of y and z, where y and z may be either positive integers or another integer variable that is not x
  • fish.print x output the value of x (which may be an integer or string)
  • x = y the variable x will be changed to the value of y
  • convert x -> y -> z the variable x will be converted to type y (which will either be integer or string) and have a value of z.
  • abyss end the end of the program has been reached

To ensure the fish console is accessed properly, the first line will always be the line include If it is not, and the program attempts to access the fish.print method, an error message is the only thing that should be outputted that should read Exception in program: no such method "fish.print" is found.

Your task is to interpret and run a Fish++ program. There will never be more than 15 lines in any Fish++ program, and no integer will surpass 20. Each program will call the fish.print method at least once. You may assume that each program is a valid Fish++ program according to the rules above, without any additional errors.

Input Specifications

Each line will be one of the above operations as described above. The operation abyss end will only be called once to indicate the end of the program.

Output Specifications

For each operation fish.print x, output the value of x. If include was not included as the first line, and the operation fish.print x is called, then output the error message once and finish the program.


Subtask 1 [50%]

The convert operation will never be called and there will be no strings.

Subtask 2 [50%]

No additional constraints

Sample Input 1

include ;
fish.print a ;
a = 3 ;
fish.print a ;
b = a + 5 ;
fish.print b ;
fish.print a ;
abyss end ;

Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample Output 1

The first line allows for the use of the fish.print method without any errors. The second line outputs the value of a, and since all 3 variables default to integers with the value of 0, its default value of 0 is outputted. The third line reassigns the variable a to 3. The fourth line outputs the value of a, which is now 3. The fifth line reassigns the variable b to the value of a plus 5, which is 8. The sixth and seventh lines output the values of b and a respectively. The eighth line ends the program.

This program would satisfy the constraints of the first subtask.

Sample Input 2

include ;
a = 5 ;
fish.print a ;
convert a -> string -> hello ;
a = goodbye ;
fish.print a ;
c = 6 ;
convert a -> integer -> 9 ;
a = c + 5 ;
fish.print a ;
convert c -> integer -> 3 ;
fish.print c ;
fish.print string ;
abyss end ;

Sample Output 2


Explanation for Sample Output 2

Notice that it is possible to convert a variable to the same type but reassign it to a different value using the convert function. Also, recall that strings don't have quotations.

Sample Input 3

fish.print ocean ;
fish.print goodbye ;
abyss end ;

Sample Output 3

Exception in program: no such method "fish.print" is found

Explanation for Sample Output 3

Since include was not the first line of the program but the fish.print method was called, the error message is the only thing that should be outputted.

Hint: To reduce the amount of code, consider storing the variables as strings and putting reused code into a function. It is possible to handle each line extremely concisely, however how much you choose to write is up to you.


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