There are more games?? How ridiculous!
In front of you lies a glass bridge with (
) panels. These panels are designed to hold piles of cookies, of course.
Initially, there is one cookie on panel . The Front Man proceeds to apply the following operation to the panels, sequentially, with
For each cookie on panel
, add a cookie to panels
, and
The Front Man then asks you a simple question: How many cookies are on panel ?
Input Specification
The first line contains the integer (
Output Specification
Output one line containg the number of cookies on panel .
Subtask 1 [20%]
Subtask 2 [80%]
No additional constraints.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
Sample Explanation 1
The number of cookies on the panels are [].
When applying the operation to panel , one cookie is added to each of panels
, and
When applying the operation to panel , one cookie is added to each of panels
, and
. This has no effect on panel
When applying the operation to panel , two cookies are added to each of panels
, and
. This has no effect on panel
Therefore, the number of cookies on panel is
after all the operations have been applied.
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2