LCC ‘21 Contest 5 S4 - Palindrome Queries

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Points: 12 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem types

You are given a string S with length L. Furthermore, you are given Q queries. Each query will be of the following format:

  • l_i r_i, asking for the number of substrings in string S between position l_i and r_i that are palindromic.

A string P is a palindrome if it meets the following condition: P = P_l P_{l+1} \cdots P_r = P_r P_{r-1} P_{r-2} \cdots P_l.

Input Specification

The first line contains a string S, with a length L (1 \le L \le 2000). The string will only consist of lowercase letters.

The second line of input contains an integer Q (1 \le Q \le 10^6).

The next Q lines of input will contain 2 space separated integers, l_i and r_i (1 \le l_i \le r_i \le N).

Output Specification

You are to output Q integers, the solutions to the queries.


Subtask 1 [30%]

1 \le L \le 100

1 \le Q \le 10

Subtask 2 [70%]

No further constraints.

Sample Input

7 9
4 6
6 7
1 8
1 10

Sample Output



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