Max loves balanced bracket sequences, and things that are deep. Thus, he decided to put the two together and create a deep bracket sequence. Unfortunately for him, the balanced bracket sequence he was given for his birthday is not very deep. Can you help him make it deeper? We define a flip to be an operation where you change a (
to a )
or vice versa. Max wants you to demonstrate the minimum number of flips he must execute to make his bracket sequence have depth at least . Note that the sequence may become unbalanced after the intermediate flips.
A bracket sequence is balanced if you can match every open bracket (
with a closed bracket )
that comes later in the sequence.
We define the depth of a bracket sequence to be the maximum number of nested bracket pairs. For example, the sequence ((()(())))
has depth because (((
is nested bracket pairs, and you cannot nest more than .
Input Specification
The first line of input contains an integer , is even, and .
The next line of input contains a balanced bracket sequence of length .
Output Specification
On one line, you are to output : the minimum number of flips you must make for the balanced bracket sequence to have depth at least .
On the next line, you are to output integers, the integer being the bracket you flip. If there are multiple solutions, you are to print the lexicographically least. If , this line is blank (still print a line though).
Subtask 1 (10%)
Subtask 2 (90%)
No further constraints.
Sample Input
10 5
Sample Output
4 5 7 9