champions in the game. She can see the relative winrate of Zog against champion , and its relative pickrate .
is playing her favourite champion, Zog! However, because is a one-trick, she is easily countered by her opponents with certain champions. Thankfully, is allowed to ban 1 opposing champion to maximize her own chance of winning. can check the most current statistics for theMore formally, a champion with a winrate is times more likely to lose to Zog than a champion with winrate , and a champion with a pickrate is times more likely to be chosen than a champion with pickrate .
Can you help
maximize her chance to win?Input Specification
The first line contains , the number of bannable champions.
The next lines contain a string and 2 integers , , and , the name, winrate, and pickrate of champion .
It is guaranteed that every champion has a unique name of lowercase letters, that , and that for all .
Output Specification
Print the name of the champion that with the smallest . Note that 64-bit integers may be required to pass.
should ban. If there are multiple, print the championSubtasks
Subtask 1 [30%]
Subtask 2 [70%]
No further constraints.
Sample Input
n 50 10
i 30 20
c 60 40
o 10 5
l 15 10
e 70 15
Sample Output