After the spike in unemployment in Canada post COVID-19, Nicholas can no longer afford his Premium Spell Checker™ subscription. Luckily, Nicholas has kept a word list of words (spelled correctly) just for this occasion!
If Nicholas gives you his word list and a sentence of words, can you make a program that helps Nicholas find his mistakes?
Input Specification
The first line contains two space separated integers and
, where
represents the number of words in Nicholas' dictionary and
the number of words in his sentence.
The next line will consist of space separated words, Nicholas' dictionary.
The next line will consist of space separated words, Nicholas' sentence to be checked.
It is guaranteed that a word will only consist of lowercase ASCII letters and/or numbers and the length of a single word will not exceed characters.
For of the points,
Output Specification
A single line containing a space separated list of the positions of misspelled words (the first word has index ).
Sample Input
8 9
a by is properly sentence spelled this written
this is a properly spelted sentance written by nicholas
Sample Output
5 6 9