Editorial for LCC/Moose '19 Contest 2 S4 - Autobattler

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Author: mastery

Let F_{n, k} be the total cost of a unit with size n and tier k.

For 20% of the points, you should notice that

F_{n, k} = \displaystyle\sum_{i = 1}^{n} F_{i, k - 1} but F_{n - 1, k} = \displaystyle\sum_{i = 1}^{n - 1} F_{i, k - 1} so F_{n, k} = F_{n - 1, k} + F_{n, k - 1}.

If you store all the values of F_{n, k} in an array as you go along, you can compute F_{N, K} this in O(NK) time.

For the rest of the points, you should notice that F_{n, k} is just \dbinom{n + k - 1}{k} = \dbinom{n + k - 1}{n - 1}.

There are a few interpretations for why this is the case, including

  • The formula F_{n, k} = F_{n - 1, k} + F_{n, k - 1} is the same as the formula for Pascal's Triangle, rotated by 45 degrees
  • This is equivalent to a combinatorics problem that can be solved using Stars and Bars
  • The "Hockey Stick" Identity

Of course, during contest it's enough to just write down a few values of F_{n, k} and find that it matches Pascal's Triangle by inspection, but for fun, you can try to prove this formula on you own.

To compute \dbinom{n}{k} modulo M in general, you can use the formula \dbinom{n}{k} = \dfrac{n!}{k!(n - k)!}.

Computing n! modulo M is easy; just loop and multiply, making sure to take the modulo at each step to prevent overflow.

However, dividing by a number and getting the result modulo M is harder.

Let 0 \leq a < M be an integer. We say that x is a modular multiplicative inverse of a if ax = 1, modulo M. Note that for any number n divisible by a, nx = \frac{x}{a}.

It turns out that if M is prime, the modular multiplicative inverse of a number is unique and can be found by the formula x = a^{M - 2}, modulo M. This is a direct result of Fermat's Little Theorem.

Calculating a^{M - 2} modulo M is possible in O(\log M) time using fast exponentiation.


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