Howard has recently started a new full-time job which gives him vacation days to use during the year. He is looking to spend all of his vacation days on a single trip to Hanoi, however he is having a hard time finding a pair of flights that are exactly
days apart.
Given the flights to and from Hanoi this year, find the minimum cost of two flights
such that:
is a flight to Hanoi.
is a flight from Hanoi.
are exactly
days apart.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains two integers
, the number of flights and the number of vacation days that Howard has.
The next lines each contain three terms
describing a flight, where:
is the day the flight departs.
is either
, representing whether the flight is to or from Hanoi, the cost of the flight.
Output Specification
Output the minimum cost of a pair of flights satisfying the conditions in the problem description, or -1
if no such pair exists.
Sample Input 1
2 3
1 F 1000
4 T 1000
Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2
3 5
1 T 1000
3 T 100
6 F 1000
Sample Output 2