Ninjaclasher is a ninja fighting master, who has gained great fame and many Evan Zhang fan clubs from fighting ninjas who challenge him.
Ninjaclasher is very powerful, with a power level of over . His power level is
, to be exact. He is receiving applications from potential challengers, but he does not want to consider any applications from ninjas with a higher power level than his own.
Can you help Ninjaclasher make a list of all the applicants to ignore?
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain one integer,
, the number of challengers to follow.
The next lines will each contain one string
, the name of the applicant, followed by one space and one integer
, their power level.
It is guaranteed that each name is one single word.
Output Specification
Print the names of all applicants, if any, with a power level greater than Ninjaclasher's in the same order from the input.
Sample Input
StirFry 42
Emacodo 9999
Menthol 6969
Evil 12345
Sample Output