Submit solution

Points: 5 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem types

ssheep has N sheep. He wants to know how many positive numbers will divide into N without remainder. Can you help ssheep?

Input Specification

The first line will contain N\ (1 \le N \le 10^9).

Output Specification

The amount of positive numbers that divide N.


Subtask 1 [30%]

N \le 10^5

Sutbask 2 [70%]

No further constraints.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Explanation for Sample 1

The 25 numbers are: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100, 125, 200, 250, 400, 500, 625, 1000, 1250, 2000, 2500, 5000, 10000.


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