Selective Selective Selective Cutting

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Points: 25
Time limit: 4.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem types

There is a bidirectional unweighted connected graph with N nodes, numbered from 1 to N, each with a value a_i.

There are exactly N - 1 edges. The i^{\text{th}} edge connects u_i and v_i. There is at most one edge between any pair of nodes. No edge connects a node with itself.

Q questions are asked in the form: "On the path from u_j to v_j, including these u_j and v_j themselves, how many nodes have a value of at least k_j?".


All numbers in the input are positive integers.

1 \leq N, Q \leq 10^5

1 \leq a_i, k_j \leq 10^9

Input Specifications

All numbers on the same line of input are separated by spaces.

The first line of input contains 2 numbers: N and Q.

The second line of input contains N numbers, the i^{\text{th}} number is a_i.

The next N - 1 lines each contain 2 numbers: u_i and v_i.

The next Q lines contain 3 numbers: u_j, v_j, and k_j. All 3 of these numbers are encrypted. To decrypt them, take the bitwise XOR with the previous answer. The first of these queries is not encrypted.

Output Specification

Q lines each containing one number, the j^{\text{th}} line representing the answer to the j^{\text{th}} question.

Sample Input 1

5 2
10 20 30 40 50
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
3 4 20
7 6 29

Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample 1

The first query is not encrypted.

The path from 3 to 4 is 3 \to 1 \to 2 \to 4. Out of these 4 trees, 3 of them have a height of at least 20.

The second query is encrypted. By taking the bitwise XOR of the previous answer, which is in this case 3, we get

  • 7 \oplus 3 = 4
  • 6 \oplus 3 = 5
  • 29 \oplus 3 = 30.

This means the decrypted input is 4 5 30.

The path from 4 to 5 is 4 \to 2 \to 5. Out of these 3 trees, 2 of them have a height of at least 30.

Sample Input 1 Without Encryption

This sample does not have the XOR involved. This is just for convenience of viewing and is not representative of the test data.

5 2
10 20 30 40 50
1 2
1 3
2 4
2 5
3 4 20
4 5 30


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