Pam is intruiged by the friend groups at her school. At the beginning of the school year, there are lone students, none of which know each other. A "join" happens when either
- 2 different lone students or
- 2 different friend groups or
- a single lone person and a friend group join together to form a single friend group.
If such joins occur throughout the school year, how many distinct friend groups will exist at the end of the school year? (Note that a lone person is also considered as a friend group).
Input Specification
Two space-separated integers on one line: (the initial number of students) and
(the number of joins that occur throughout the year).
Output Specification
One integer: the number of distinct friend groups at the end of the year.
Sample Input
3 2
Output for Sample Input
Explanation for Sample Case
A possible sequence of events is:
Initially, everyone is a lone student:
Person joins with Person
Lastly, the [,
] friend-group joins with Person
Since all three of them are in the same friend group, there is friend group that remains.