Editorial for Baltic OI '09 - Beetle

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Author: pingu

Let's start off by adding the number 0 to our list of integer coordinates. This is the starting coordinate and we will treat it as a dew drop. Now consider the list pos as the sorted list of integer coordinates and say N is the size of our new list.

The approach begins with the observation that the drops of dew the beetle will drink in the most optimal solution will always be a continuous segment of our list. Because it takes no time for the beetle to drink a drop of dew, drinking a drop of dew at position x means the beetle should drink all the drops en route from 0 to x in order to maximize the amount of water drank.

Given this, we define f(i, j, k) to be the lowest cost to drink k drops of dew after drinking all the water from the range (i, j). Note this value does not include the cost to drink the drops in the range (i, j). The lowest cost is defined as the cumulative water lost across all k drops of dew.

However, f(i, j, k) does not account for the position of the beetle at this state (it may be at position i or j). Thus, we define L(i, j, k) to be f(i, j, k) with the beetle at position i, while R(i, j, k) is to be f(i, j, k) with the beetle at position j.

The base case is f(i, j, 0) = 0, as it takes 0 cost to drink 0 drops of dew.

The transition is then L(i, j, k) = min(L(i-1, j, k-1) + c1, R(i, j+1, k-1) + c2). c1 is the cost required to get from i-1 to i, and can be found through the formula c1 = k(pos[i]-pos[i-1]). This is due to each of the k drops of dew losing a unit of water for each unit of distance travelled. c2 uses the same formula but with the points i and j+1.

Likewise, R(i, j, k) = min(L(i-1, j, k-1) + c1, R(i, j+1, k-1) + c2), where c1 involves the points i-1 and j, and c2 involves the points j and j+1.

The final answer can be found by taking the maximum over all kM - L(s, s, k), where s is the index of 0 in pos, and 0 \le k \le N. This works because the range defined in L is (s, s), which means we consider s as already drunk before the bug drinks k more drops. The formula itself subtracts the cumulative water lost across all k drops of dew (see paragraph 3) from the total water initially available: kM.


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